Select category
JOP has a detailed filter that consists of 9 categories, 38 commodities, 2500 parts.
You can also filter according to the type of: OEM, Suppliers, Engineering / Services, Institution, Investor, Free lancer.
Filtering can be expanded by other entry criteria: Cetificates (Q1, VDA 63, IATF 16949, ISO 14001, ISO 18001, ISO 9000 ...), Sales (Small, Mid level, High level), Number of employess (0-100, 100-500, 500-1000, 1000 and more), Region (EU, America, Asia, Africa, ...)
Detailed business overview: Type, Parts & services, Year of founded, Description, Certificates, localization, Number of employees, Sales, Gallery, References, Products, Export profile PDF, Call or send a message, Contacts and other useful information.